How to Wear High Heel Without Pain

Most of us grow up with those famous statements that say “No pain, no gain,” “You can’t be beautiful without pain,” “If you want to look beautiful, you have to pay the price,” this goes on and on… Being a woman, it is already difficult in this world. But we love the challenge and somehow find new ways to make our lives harder. When it comes to high heel, you don’t have to remember those statement, just the idea of wearing a high heel stiletto is enough the feel actual pain, but this can stop us? Never! Yes, we are strong, but it ‘d be good use some trick to help us out.
The first secret of wearing high heels, not an exactly secret but rather something underestimated. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have high-quality shoes. You can sacrifice quality for the sake of your budget at some point. It can be acceptable with sandals, ballerina flats maybe loafers but with high heel sacrificing quality means sacrificing your health.
Another important point, your shoes must fit like a glove. If you have foot bunions or narrow or large bone structure, buying just a right size shoes won’t enough for your health. In these cases, the best choice is order customized shoes.
Are we done? Not quite! Even if you have best quality customized shoes, still you have responsibilities.
Most of the pain caused by slipping our feet inside the shoe.
You can use special products or regular baby powder before wearing your shoes. In that way, your shoes will be sterile and dry.
Another tip is taping your last to finger to each other. It may sound weird, but it works.
If you want to order a pair of best quality customized shoes you can contact our customer services via WhatsApp or email.